Project Outline Search

【Project Name】

Cultivation of a new international collaborative model for teacher education in partnership with African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries and research study on the reflective impact of the EDU-Port Japan Project on education in Japan

  • Representative Organization
    University of Fukui
  • Country
    Republic of Malawi, Republic of Uganda, Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordan, Republic of the Philippines
  • Project Type
    Research Project
  • Fiscal Year
  • Project Overview

    Aiming to promote teacher education worldwide and to build a new international collaborative model for teacher education that will support regional school reform and collaborative practices among teachers in the 21st century, this project will engage in advancing school-based practical studies in various countries and regions, developing the supportive capacity of teachers, and enhancing the collaborative research structures that support them, while weaving together multiple professional learning communities in collaboration with international partners. In addition, as part of the investigation into the effects of the internationalization and qualitative improvement of Japanese education, reports from 113 EDU-Port Japan Supported Projects implemented to date will be analyzed and reviewed to identify challenges and insights for the future.
