Visit to Japanese schools/kindergarten by the Maldivian teachers


Visit by a teachers from the Maldives

From May 18th to 25th, 15 people, a group of Maldivian school teachers visited Japan for a study tour. EDU-Port Japan organized this study tour as part of the School Visit program which supports visits to schools and kindergartens in Japan by overseas educators, and coordinated some of visits and accompanied the group.

This time, Ms. SHAKIR Mariyam Shathrath, a teacher from the Maldives, who had participated in the Knowledge Co-Creation Program “Education System for Children with Disabilities – Building an Inclusive Education System Utilising Special Support Education” at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Yokohama Centre in 2017 requested EDU-Port Japan the implementation of the program.

She provided the following comments on the visit.

The following are excerpts from the original comment

The program aimed to gain valuable insights into Japanese education system, including special needs education, early intervention and vocational education. We were able to observe various schools and educational practices.

One of the most impressive aspects was the early intervention system in Japan. We learnt that in Japan, children are supported from an early age through health check-ups and screening by municipal government and interviews by educational institutions to understand their individual situation. We would like to consider whether a similar approach is possible in the Maldives in the future.

At Koganei Elementary School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, we observed how ICT was integrated into daily teaching practices. The use of ICT tools not only enhanced the educational experience for the students with reasonable accommodations but also ensured that all children, regardless of their abilities, could participate actively in the classroom.

Another highlight of the program was the visit to special school for intellectually disabled children attached to Tokyo Gakugei University specializing in vocational education. We gained valuable insights into how vocational programs are conducted. The hands-on approach and the emphasis on practical skills were particularly noteworthy, as they highlighted the importance of equipping students with the tools necessary for independent living and employment.

For Maldivian teachers participating in program like this study tour is crucial. It allows us to learn from Japanese best practices and adapt innovative strategies to their local context. The insights gained from the Japanese education system can be instrumental in enhancing the quality of education in the Maldives.

Scene from the tour

  • Participants learning about inclusive education practices in kindergarten.
    (Kaneko Gakuen Musashino Kindergarten, May 21st, 2024)
  • Participants learning about the use of ICT and reasonable accommodations in regular classrooms.
    (Koganei Elementary School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, May 22nd, 2024)
  • Participants reflect on the learning from the visit to promote inclusive education.
    (May 24th, 2024)