In this page, you can find various useful posts that may inspire those who are willing to collaborate with Japanese and international partners including private businesses, organizations, scholars, teachers and students. You can search relevant posts by region, genre and keywords.
■ Descriptions of each genre
Project News
Reports from organizations which operate EDU-Port-adopted projects
Needs / Seeds
Columns by experts on overseas educational needs and on Japanese education that might be seeds of new projects
Introduction of educational activities by various organizations to ensure continuous learning during COVID-19 crisis
【Title】Practical Research Fukui Round Table 2020 VIRTUAL (Online) SUMMER SESSIONS
【Title】Collaborative effort using Zoom
【Title】Search for strategies to bring out the willingness to learn in the midst of COVID-19 crisis
【Title】Digital contents production by collaboration among Cambodian colleges and Japanese universities
【Title】Online lessons under the circumstances of COVID-19
【Title】2018 EDU-Port Supported Project “Developing digital teacher’s guidebook based on Japanese-style science and mathematics textbooks and utilizing them for in-service teacher training in Papua New Guinea”
【Title】Gakken Home Learning Support Project
【Title】Homepage for elementary school students to learn about environment and recycling
【Title】Homepage for lower and upper secondary school students and citizens to learn about environment and recycling