Japanese Consortium for Global School Health and Research

Japan Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR) was set up as a think tank and hub for international school health networks. JC-GSHR is working towards the appropriate implementation and dissemination of school health programs. We target both school-aged children and adolescents, and we aim to promote the health of the community. JC-GSHR activities include following activities: 1)Implementing school health research and practices. 2)Providing technical support for practices and provide human resource training on school health. 3)Cultivating young researchers and technical experts through a network of research members. 4)Publicizing and disseminating information on the results of our research and school health projects. and 5)Strengthening international partnerships.
Category Inclusive education, Others, Physical education / Sports, School health, Teacher education, Textbook / Material development
What we do1.Health and Medical Care
2.Education and Human resource development
Countries we’ve workedThailand, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Philippine, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Niger, Korea, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka
TEL(+81) 98-895-3331
Email gshr.newmember@gmail.com