Incorporated educational institution Nagata gakuen Daito kindergarten

For over half a century in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture, the school has been providing early childhood education that values character development in early childhood, with a particular focus on morning activities, calligraphy, and Japanese language education centered on kanji. In expanding overseas, the school aims to export its unique educational know-how, the Daito Method, and to create a curriculum that is easy to understand for locals, with some modifications made to make Japanese-style early childhood education, which is of great interest worldwide, accessible overseas. The school also aims to bring the educational know-how it has cultivated overseas back to Japan.
Category Early Childhood Education, Math / Science education, Moral Education, Music / Art, Physical education / Sports, Special activities / Extracurricular activities
What we do 1.Mornig activity
3.Japanese language education
Countries we’ve worked Japan
Person in charge Vice president Bangaku Nagasao
TEL 042-975-1550